Friday, August 15, 2014

Those 90's Babies Though!!!!!!! What Ya'll Know About Us?

These past few years roaming through these streets make me wonder what this world is coming to? Maybe it's this new adult thing, or I just miss not having to worry about various responsibilities. Contrary to popular belief, there was such a simpler time before adult hood and no one a had a care free in the world. That time my friends was childhood and these kids today do not have one whatsoever. Forget what you heard. Just because you are a child doesn't mean your living the life a child should. I feel bad for you New Kidds who are accustomed to this politically correct society. Sad just thinking about it. The 90's hands down is the best decade to live in and that includes the early 2000's (2000-2004). Trust me, ya'll don't know what you've missed. New Kidds, take notes. If your not sure if your a new kid, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you remember the line up for Cartoon Cartoon Fridays and Toonami Sundays?

2. Finish this lyric, "I wanna be the very best, that no one ever wassssssss (DUH DUH DUH DUH)"

3. Did you and your girlfriends compare your school supplies from Lisa Frank to see whose was better?

If you were stumped after the first question, your just a lost cause. What in the world do you kids know about chasing ice cream trucks (nothing. i never see ya'll play outside. That's why ya'll two pound short from Terio now. SMH) and watching REAL Saturday morning cartoons (who misses Kids WB?) !!

I'll let you suck ya teeth and roll your eyes. That's none of my business if you were born haters. It's all good. Look at what the "2010's" have to offer you:

That's nice. All you can do is be great.

To my fellow Old Kidd's, shed a tear, pour out the Pixie sticks, and just reminisce on the good ol' days.

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