Thursday, July 10, 2014

blogging < vlogging: that's probably what the new kid wants

This pretty much explains my fear of blogging in the first place. This generation  does not see any reason to read anything these days. Oh trust, they'll start reading those facebook posts; they'll read those twitter feeds, and they'll read those 4 word instagram posts before laying their hands on a book. Only time the book is picked up is after a movie adaption is released (i.e. Harry Potter, The Great Gatsby, The Fault in Our Stars, Twilight..... yeah you get the point). So what was the whole point in reaching out to the new kid, if I knew that he or she wouldn't bother reading what I had to say?

I'm personally in between the two: the old kid who loves to read and the new kid who doesn't know the fun in reading. The ones that don't read, and when I say read, and I don't mean the aforementioned stuff, I mean reading an article out of the newspaper or even a blog post that can possibly enrich the mind. I don't know what it is about these kids today. They must be afraid of pronouncing big words or just having reality smacking them in the face. Who will ever know. The new kid feels entitled not having to explain and prove anything to anyone. Maybe it's the school system. Summer reading assignments are just a thing of the past but I digress.

YouTube videos pretty much took over the mass communications playing field. New information, new entertainment, and other sorts of stuff on the video screen pretty much grabbed attention better than words on a piece of paper. So I'm like cool, why don't I start a YouTube channel! What am I gonna talk about? Who am I gonna make them with? Am I gonna be funny or serious? All this stuff came about, but I never had the nerve to sit  down in front of the camera. I'm that insecure, even though people aren't physically watching me, the thought of people looking at me for 3+ minutes was just nerve wrecking. So I'm like f*** it. I'll be the old head and stick to what I know. Words are still powerful whether you know it or not.

The whole vlogging idea came about when I started college. My love for vloggers started back in the early months of 2009, when I discovered Maurice "Kain" Carter (+hotdamnirock) and Kingsley (+Kingsley). Those two niggas were the funniest dudes I've even seen, espeicially Kain. I was plotting on becoming the female version of him and putting his ass in place! Don't get me wrong, his videos are forever true and to the point but who am I to go toe-to-toe with a grown ass man? AND he's from Baltimore? F*** outta here! As far as Kingsley was concerned, I loved his "innocence",
and not necessarily the complete sense of the word. His exuberant charisma pretty much put a smile on my face (which is rare) and since he plans on stopping his vlogs at the end of the year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to take over. But then I realized that no one can top what Kingsley, Kain Carter, or even Tre Melvin (+ThisIsACommentary) did to the industry. That's just probably not me.

If I have any purpose in life, maybe getting the new kid to read again could be a goal. Just maybe, I can show them the words have power after all. I'm telling you, if I learned anything after my first year in college other than twerking or the school alma mater, I learned that their is power in words if you know how to use them wisely and correctly. Just think of all the possibilities, ya know? Just think..........

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